Martin Luther King Day

Today is Martin Luther King’s birthday, a federal holiday, which is observed on the third Monday of January.

From my upcoming artist book, “Transforming Hate: The Proposal“:

When I was 23

I was one of over 200,000 people, to witness

Martin Luther King give “I Have a Dream”

at the “March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom.”

I marched for Paul Robeson, Emmett, Rosa and the domestic workers in Montgomery who walked to their jobs on aching feet rather than ride segregated buses; for Medgar Evers, the WWII veteran killed after applying for entrance to university in his home state of Mississippi; for my mom who could not make the walk; and for the unborn child I carried.


Book Text in Progress

Book Text in Progress


WHILE I was 28

Martin Luther King was shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.

I felt angry, helpless, devastated!

Riots broke out in over 100 cities.

Police barricades surrounded my neighborhood.


Book Text in Progress:


My Wall

My Wall